Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Lewis Grp 1 - Air pollution in China

The problem with air pollution in China Beijing.Health experts say that the current smog levels are not necessarily due to an increase in pollutant particles, more a lack of wind in dispersing the haze.

The China Daily said there are also not enough 'green areas' in the city 'to help soak up the fumes discharged by vehicles and industries'.

There has also been rapid industrialization in China and a heavy reliance on coal power, which have both contributed to the problem.Coupled with Beijing's enormous rise in car ownership (5 million vehicles and rising) and a blase attitude towards environmental laws, and it is easy to see how air pollution has spiral-led out of control.

China Daily produced an unusually outspoken editorial in which they said Beijing residents should use their cars less and governments officials should also reduce vehicle use to lower emissions.

Experts say it may take years to properly tackle the smog in Beijing, as a lot of it is blown in from heavily-industrialised areas surrounding Beijing.Pollution in Beijing is now so dense that its effects are comparable to that of a nuclear winter, Chinese scientists have said.
It has been predicted that if enough nuclear bombs were detonated, so many particles would be thrown into the air that the sun could be blocked out enough to alter the weather and damage the food supply.
This process is now under way in China’s capital city and six northern provinces, according to He Dongxian from China Agricultural University’s College of Water Resources and Civil Engineering. The Effect of the air pollution causes the people to be sick

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