Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Danish - Citarum River

Citarum River Indonesia is the world most populated river.The causes of water pollution is improper disposal of sewage and oil spills.this sewage refer to solid waste which is produce by household or industries and are released to river or lakes before being treated hence water bodies get polluted because sewage contain human waste,detergent and chemicals.the waste produced by industries is especially harmful as it contains toxic chemicals.In some countries it can be treated at sewage treatment plants to remove the waste products.Another cause of water pollution is oil spills,it can occurs when the hull of an oil tanker is torn by sharp rocks,or if the tanker collides with another ship,causing the oil it is carrying to spill into the sea.This cause of water pollution will cause people to not enjoy clean water,economic loss as oils spills threaten fishermen's livelihood as well as the fishing industry.People may suffer from cholera and typhoid when they drink the water which is contaminated

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