Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Alysha Group 6 - Citarum River

                                    Citarum, Kalimantan

Citarum River in West Java and the entire island of Kalimantan are among the world’s 10 most polluted places alongside Chernobyl in Ukraine. The river made it to the list because of industrial waste and chemical pollution. As the river is polluted, it is hard for residents who reside along the river to get food and drink. The polluted river is so polluted that fishes in the water cannot breathe and eventually die due to the extreme pollution. Thus, fishes die and float on the surface of the river. It is easier for fisherman to get food.. but they eat dead fish.

Textile factories in Bandung and Cimahi were found to be the major toxic waster contributors to the river. Pollutionof the river also come from the vast small-scale gold mining in the area that utilized mercury in the gold extraction process. Clogged with household waste, toxic chemicals dumped by textile factories and dead animals, it has lost 60 per cent of its fish stocks. 

At times, the water turns red, green, yellow and black because of the high concentration of dyes. It has been linked with increased cancer rates, as well as skin diseases, mental illness and slow development among local children. In Indonesia, the cases of cancer and fatal infections are constantly increasing. May god and the government help make the river better.

2E2 Fiona - Citarum River

The World's most polluted river

TEMPO.COJakarta - Blacksmith Institute, a non-profit organization based in New York, and Green Cross, Switzerland, stated that the Citarum River Basin in Bandung, West Java, covers an area of approximately 13,000. It is one of the ten most polluted rivers in the world in 2013. The river made it to the list because of industrial waste and chemical pollution.
Blacksmith's report mentioned that more than 500 thousand people are directly affected by the pollution at Citarum River. Meanwhile, more than 5 million people are indirectly affected because of the chemical pollutant thrown to the river and carried away by the stream. The river contains a level of lead, aluminum, manganese and iron that, on several occasions, are higher than the average level. The source of pollution was originated from the industrial and domestic activities around the river.

2E2 Justin Leong and Marcus Chen - Haze in Singapore

Haze in Singapore
The haze in Singapore was affected by the forest fires in Indonesia. The Indonesians set fire in the forest, to clear the land for plantation to be carried out. This fire has polluted the air with dust and smoke particle, this particle is transported by wind to Singapore. The burning continued, it lasted for a month. Worsening the haze in Singapore as the weather is dry and hot.

There were health problems, these were effects of the haze in Singapore. Dust and smoke causes difficulty in breathing as well as irritations to peoples throats and eyes. When they are exposed to dust and smoke for a long time, we can develop respiratory problems such as bronchitis and asthma.

There was also traffic hazards, which is also the effects of the haze in Singapore. This poses a inconvinece to people that are driving.

GekHui - Citarum River

A boy collect plastics from a polluted river in Jakarta. The Earth is literally covered in water, but more than a billion people lack access to clean water ... the river had been polluted for 20+ years. All the fishes had died, people have to make money from collecting waste from the river itself to make money..

sometimes, they can find dead bodies  in the river too.

now its known as The World’s Worst 2013: The Top Ten Toxic Threats, published on Monday, also said that around 200 million people in the world had been exposed to toxic pollution, which could lead to various health risks, including cancer. they get skin diseases from using these water, and that could lead to skin cancer.

Sheena Loo 2E2 - Exxon Valdez Oil Spill

- The Problem 
The Exxon Valdez was carrying over 53 million gallons of crude oil, when the tanker headed for Long Beach, California. Three hours later, just after midnight on March 24th, the Exxon Valdez ran into Bligh Reef, spilling 10.8 million gallons of oil.

- Causes of the pollution

Investigations say that the accident was an outcome of poor maneuvering. It was also found that the 3rd mate on duty was not given the mandatory 6 hours rest before the starting of his next 12 hour duty. Thus it is possible that stress and excessive workload might have led to inefficient watch-keeping by the 3rd mate. Moreover, though the ship was on autopilot, it was found that the radar was not working since the time ship left the Valdez Terminal. It was also claimed that the master of the ship was under the influence of alcohol and left the watch during maneuvering through critical areas. Thus it was proved that the Exxon Shipping Company could not provide an efficient and sufficient crew to the ship, which unfortunately led to the accident.

-Effects of the pollution

dead birdsApproximately 1,990 square kilometers of shoreline was badly polluted. Almost 2000 sea otters, 302 harbor seals, and 250,000 birds died in the days that followed the incident. Then, because there was no solid plan with both the state and federal government dealing with such emergency situation , the oil spill reached far-off places before any kind of response process can be started.

laxwaran - Exxon Valdez Oil Spill

The world"s worst oil spill accident was started on March 24,1989.Within hours the oil spilt was 11 million gallant of crude oil.This was a very big pollution to the world.This pollution caused many harmful effects on wildlife and fishing industries.Animals fought for their lives and had a real hard time,as they got sick and affected by this oil spillage.The spillage occured when the captain of the ship was drinking in the lower deck of the ship.He was in an alcoholic situation,when he should not have been in that position.

Joan and Nanthini - Exxon Valdez Oil spill


The  Exxon Valdez  oil spill  in Prince William Occurred Sound, Alaska, on March 24, 1989, WHEN  Exxon Valdez , an  oil Tanker  bound for  Long Beach , California, struck  Prince William Sound 's  Bligh Reef  at twelve four am local time and  Spilled  260,000 to 750,000 Barrels of  crude oil  over the Next Few days. It IS Considered to BE one of the MOST Devastating human-Caused Environmental Disasters . The  Valdez  spill WAS the Largest ever in US Waters UNTIL the 2010  Deepwater Horizon  oil spill , in Terms of volume Released.   However, Prince William Sound's remote location, accessible only by Helicopter, plane, or Boat, made ​​Government and Industry response Efforts Difficult and Severely Taxed existing Plans for response. The region IS a  Habitat  for  salmon ,  Sea Otters , Seals  and  Seabirds . The oil, Originally Extracted at the  Prudhoe Bay oil field , Eventually Covered 1,300 Miles of Coastline,  and 11,000 Square Miles of Ocean.  Exxon's CEO,  Lawrence Rawl , shaped the Company's response

Effects of Oil Spills

1. Environmental Effects:  . first of these is the Environmental effect The Animal Life that lives in the Water or near the Shore Are the ones MOST affected by the spill In MOST Cases, the oil Simply Chokes the Animals to death That Others Live face a number of other problems. The oil works its way into the fur and plumage of the animals. As a result, both birds and mammals find it harder to float in the water or regulate their body temperatures. 
2. Effect on Economy: The second major effect of the oil spill is seen on the economy When precious crude oil or refined petroleum is lost, it effects the amount of petroleum and gas available for use This means more barrels have to be imported from other countries. Then comes the process of cleaning the oil spill, which requires a lot of financing. Although the company responsible for the oil spills and their effects has to clean it up, there is a lot of government help required at this point.